Suber s.r.o.

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Suber s.r.o. is a company whose goal is to become a major player in the market for cork stoppers and the wine producers to supply our quality products. Offered assortment of cork stoppers is originally from Portugal. Quality is guaranteed by the fact that producers have agreed to follow uniform rules under which the cork goes from harvest to final product and Portuguese law stipulates a period of nine years for each of the next harvest. This is the production of cork only the highest quality. We supply cork comes from the company RCP INTERNACIONAL SA.


RCP INTERNATIONAL SA is a Portuguese company, specialized in the production of natural cork stoppers for calm and sparkling wines and spirits and is located in Pacos de Brandão in northern Portugal. It is the fourth largest company in cork in Portugal. SYSTECODE RCP International SA has received certification for their work in accordance with rules established by the International Code of cork stoppers - Manufacturing Practices (ICRP). Quality management system RCP INTERNACIONAL SA is certified ISO 9001:2008 CE NP.